Maternal Guilt: (Part I)
What men need to understand about women and maternal guilt:
Maternal guilt is a powerful thing. It is the thing that bonds us to our babies and children. It is also the thing of wars and rage.
Let me tell you a little something about women.
We are born, like men. We move forward in time, towards the future, just like anyone else, one step at a time, one foot in front of the other. It is a march march march from infancy to toddlerhood to school days where we learn our letters and numbers and then abstract concepts and boys and love. And just at that point when this is all ready and cooked and coming together — when we are both at our smartest and having the best sex of our lives — Boom. The baby comes and we are sent tumbling back back back to the beginning of time.
There is a rage that comes with that. Or maybe it’s just guilt.